Free Nutrition Eating Is Expected To Change Children’s Eating Patterns To Be Healthier

Free Nutrition Eating Is Expected To Change Children’s Eating Patterns To Be Healthier

JAKARTA – A healthy diet is very important to support children’s optimal growth and development, especially at an early age.

In this case, the government’s Free Nutrition Food Program (MBG) is expected to change children’s eating habits by giving them access to food that is not only filling, but also balanced nutritious.

According to Dr. Rita Ramayulis, a nutritionist from the Indonesian Nutritionist Association (Pertagi), stated that the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program must be able to change children’s eating habits, from eating patterns that only meet carbohydrate needs, to a balanced nutritious diet rich in protein.

“So far, the diet of children who are malnourished often relies too much on foods that only contain carbohydrates, such as foods made from flour or most of which come from plants. Fulfillment of animal protein is often not noticed,” said Dr. Rita as quoted by ANTARA.

He emphasized that animal protein is very important in children’s diet, and cannot be replaced with plant-based protein if the program’s goal is to support the growth and development of the golden generation.

“Types of foods that contain animal protein such as eggs, fish meat, beef, and milk are needed. This must be available in the MBG program to ensure that children get optimal nutrition,” he said.

According to Dr. Rita, the MBG program should serve food with clear protein and not mixed with other ingredients so that children can get maximum nutritional intake.

“The diet in the MBG program must present a clear source of protein, not a mixture. The protein portion given must be precise, complete, and cover both plant and animal sources of protein. If there is only a source of plant protein, then that is not what we expect,” he explained.

Dr. Rita also emphasized that the MBG program is a long-term effort, whose goal is to create a golden generation, so that nutrition improvements must be sustainable for a long time.

“Improving children’s nutrition is not something that can be achieved in a short time. The MBG program must be carried out consistently in the long term to achieve maximum results and create a golden generation. In addition, in this program, it is not only a matter of whether or not there are foodstuffs, but how much portion is given to each target group,” he said.

In addition, the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) also emphasized the importance of parents’ role in providing healthy and nutritious food at home, in line with the implementation of the MBG program.

“Of course, the role of parents is very important in ensuring that children eat nutritious food at home,” said Deputy for Fulfillment of Children’s Rights at the Ministry of PPPA, Tribudiarta Nur Sitepu.

Tridiarta added that the MBG program is very helpful in ensuring that children get balanced nutrition during their growth period.

“This program is very useful for ensuring nutrition improvement in children, which is important to support their growth and development,” he concluded.

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